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YMS of R - The Young Men's Society of Resurrection
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Bishop Hodur established the Young Men's Society of Resurrection in 1914 to be a spiritual force among the men of the Polish National Catholic Church through shared faith and unity.
According to the original 1914 Constitution the YMS of R has a two-fold objective.
  • First, to unite the youth of the PNCC in God's name and in the name of the endeavor for the perfection of life.
  • Second, to support the youth of the Church by building strong ties to past generations and helping them fulfill mutual tasks and obligations.
The YMS of R answers the call in whatever capacity their pastor, parish committee and congregation ask of them. Some common areas of service are:
  • Serving as ushers and greeters
  • Assisting in special liturgies
  • Leaders and organizers of the Church
  • Volunteering at Church events
  • Cemetery clean-up and maintenance
  • Various service projects for Church property and equipment
  • Honoring mothers on Mother's Day
  • Community service and financial support
Men of the YMS of R have also participated in Diocesan Retreats, National Retreats, National YMS of R bowling and golf tournaments.

"Our society is what individual members desire it to be, based on our own will and effort, coupled with God's eternal plan in the microscosmic world in which we live and work. If we seek a particular course and prepare ourselves properly for this pilgrimage, then surely we shall attain our designated objective and our goal. We learn from history, religion and human experience."

Bishop Franciszek Hodur

Rev. Mariusz Mularczyk, PhD, Pastor

Phone:  412.678.0566 

E-mail:  Pastor@hfpncc. org

Office Hours:  by Appointment

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