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The doctrine of the Polish National Catholic Church...


... is founded on the Holy Scripture, Holy Tradition and the dogmatic decisions of the first Seven Ecumenical Councils.


The Holy Scriptures are interpreted strictly in accordance with the teachings of the first Seven Ecumenical Councils and the Holy Fathers of the Catholic Church.


We adhere faithfully to the Rule of Faith laid down by St. Vincent of Lerins in these terms: “Id teneamus, ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus creditum est; hoc est etenim vere proprieque catholicum.”** For this reason we persevere in professing the faith of the primitive Church, as formulated in the ecumenical symbols and specified precisely by the unanimously accepted decisions of the Ecumenical Councils held in the undivided Church of the first thousand years.  **” We hold that, which has been believed everywhere, always, and of all men: for that is truly and properly Catholic.”


The doctrine is safeguarded and defined by the General Synod of the Polish National Catholic Church. Such definitions by the General Synod neither constitute nor establish new doctrines, but are official statements that the particular doctrine was revealed by God and is contained in the "Depositum Fidei" or the Sacred Depository of Catholic Faith.


Our Beliefs


We believe that Jesus rose from the dead ... Click here for the proof! 
Polish National Catholic Church  Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

  • We believe and worship only one God, in three Divine Persons, distinct from and equal to each other; that is to say Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

  • We believe in the Catholic doctrines of the Incarnation, Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • We believe in the personal union in Christ of two natures, the divine and the human.

  • We honor the Virgin Mary as the Mother of God and hold the true Catholic doctrine of the virgin birth of Christ.

  • We believe in the true, real, spiritual presence of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist.

  • We believe in the Seven Sacraments instituted by Jesus Christ for the salvation of mankind.

  • The Polish National Catholic Church expects of all its members loyalty to the doctrines, discipline, worship and faith in the One, Holy, Catholic Apostolic Church, in all the essentials, but allows great liberty in non-essentials. Our Apostolic Succession (requires PDF viewer)

  • The fundamental principles of the Polish National Catholic Church are based upon the Holy Scriptures as the true rule of faith, but interpretation of the same is based upon the competent canonical authority of the Church, not upon the individual private judgment.

  • The Apostle's Creed is the baptismal symbol and the Nicene Creed is accepted as the sufficient statement of the Christian faith. We regard the historic episcopate, locally adopted in the methods of its administration to the needs of the nations and peoples, as the best source of God to the unity of the Christian Church.


Rev. Mariusz Mularczyk, PhD, Pastor

Phone:  412.678.0566 

E-mail:  Pastor@hfpncc. org

Office Hours:  by Appointment

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