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  • On September 16, 1921 following several meetings of the fledgling congregation, Bishop Francis Hodur (Prime Bishop of the PNCC) put the question to the assembly:  “Do you want a (PNCC) parish in McKeesport?”  The gathered assembly responded with a resounding “yes” after which motions were made to affiliate with the PNCC and secure a charter to that effect.


  • A complete parish historical sketch is available in the Diamond Jubilee Journal published in 1996.  Some highlights include:


  • Christmas 1921 – First Mass celebrated in the recently purchased and remodeled church at the corner of Market and Buena Vista Streets (presently the site is now the Kane Regional Hospital)

  • March 4, 1923 – The Holy Family Cemetery is established with purchase of seven acres of land at the corner of Foster and Naysmith Roads, North Versailles, Pennsylvania; Bishop Leon Grochowski, Western Diocesan Ordinary blessed the land in 1924

  • 1928 – Holy Family Parish is assigned to the new Buffalo-Pittsburgh Diocese

  • 1942 – The last mortgage payment was made and remaining notes of $7,650 in the hands of parishioners were paid or debt forgiven by holders

  • 1942 – A building fund was established with a $500 deposit

  • 1951 – The School of Christian Living is organized by Father Charles Kawalkowski

  • 1954 – The “Dollar Sunday Club” is formed to boost building fund donations

  • 1958 – The Parish purchases a 1.6 acre tract on Eden Park Boulevard, the site of the present church

  • October 15, 1962 – A building committee is elected to plan for a new church facility

  • February 26, 1964 – Charles Pepine is named architect for the new parish facility

  • October 17, 1965 – The congregation approves the plan and assumes a $125,000 building loan

  • January 4, 1966 – The Justin Brown Construction Company is awarded the building contract

  • January 23, 1966 – Bishop Thaddeus Zielinski, D.D., blesses and breaks ground for the church complex (near blizzard conditions prevailed)

  • November 13, 1966 – Bishop Zielinski blesses and sets the cornerstone of the new church

  • May 4, 1967 (Ascension Day) – The old church at Market and Buena Vista Streets is de-sanctified and the Blessed Sacrament is taken in a motorcade to the new church on Eden Park Boulevard

  • July 2, 1967 – Bishop Zielinski blesses the new church

  • June 18, 1968 – Bishop Zielinski blesses new bells and bell tower (the baptism names of the bells are Stephan [520 lbs.], Franciszek named after Prime Bishop Franciszek Hodur [290 lbs.] and Thaddeus names after Bishop Zielinski [198 lbs.])

  • March 14, 1971 – Parish liquidates $100,000 mortgage and marks the start of the run-up to its 50th Anniversary

  • April 18, 1971 – Ground is broken for a new rectory wing; the Dowling Construction Company is named general contractor

  • February 13, 1972 – Father Leonard Koshinski blesses the new rectory

  • 1972 – 25th Anniversary of parish organist and choir director Donald F. Mushalko

  • 1973 – New outdoor bulletin board is dedicated, a donation of the Joseph Pilsudski Association

  • 1975 – Parking area lights are installed and lot is paved

  • December 1972 – Frederic Chopin Choir kicks off new organ drive

  • June 6, 1976 – Father Koshinski blesses the new organ and dedicatory recital of the new Allen Digital (computer) Organ is held – recitalist was Richard Clark Nussbaumer

  • July 1976 – Parish celebrates United States Bicentennial with special observances throughout the year

  • May 29, 1983 – The Shrine Altar of the Resurrection is dedicated by Father Koshinski at Holy Family Cemetery

  • September 12, 1983 – A time capsule is buried in the front planter of the church to opened in 2021 – the Parish’s centennial

  • January 13, 1990 – First Diocesan Deacons ordained at Holy Family Parish (James M. Flynn and Vincent P. Cieslewicz)

  • May 17, 1991 – Father Flynn ordained to the Priesthood at Holy Family Parish

  • September 13, 1994 – Father Cieslewicz ordained to the Priesthood at Holy Family Parish

  • 1995 – New handicapped access ramp dedicated – designed by Daniel Taimuty and constructed by George Jugan

  • November 1996 – Chair-glide installed to choir gallery for handicapped

  • 1996 – Parish begins an Endowment Fund – a Living Tree memorial is placed in the parish narthex

  • June 1997 – Chair-glide installed to parish auditorium for handicapped

  • 1997 – Parish begins Lector program

  • 2000 – Frank Pociask is appointed director of the Lajkoniki Dance Ensemble

  • October 2001 – Parish begins the Ministry of Greeting

  • November 23, 2004 – Lajkoniki Dance Ensemble performs in Rotunda of the Pennsylvania State Capitol building

  • July 2006 – Planning begins for 85th Anniversary celebration

  • October 7, 2006 – 20th Anniversary of the Blessing of Animals service in honor of St. Francis of Assisi

  • September 1, 2007 Fr. Bruce Sleczkowski named Parish administrator

  • February 1, 2008 Fr. Bruce is appointed Pastor

  • October 19, 2008, Sacrament of Confirmation is bestowed upon 15 members by Bishop Peplowski; also on the same day the SAMBS hosted the annual Religious Forum attended by women of the diocese. The women presented the Program “Back to Basics”.

  • The Tri-County Village Singers presented an Advent Concert on December 21, 2008 followed by the annual Parish Wigilia.

  • March 11 & 18, 2009 a historic joint Bitter Lamentation Services (Gorzkie Zale) were celebrated between St Mary of Czestochowa Roman Catholic Church and Holy Family PNC Church which was recorded by local radios stations.  

  • Sunday, March 15, 2009 a Passion play presented by the Tri-County Youth Ensemble was presented in Holy Family Parish for the McKeesport community.

  • Sunday, May 3, 2009 Six children of the parish received First Holy Communion

  • Sunday, August 2, 2009 Prime Bishop Robert Nemkovich visited Holy Family Parish for a Canonical Visit and Mass Celebration.  He was presented a check for $25 Thousand Dollars to the National Church Center Campaign by the parish.

  • Christmas 2021 -- Holy Family celebrates 100 years as a parish in the PNCC

  • June 6, 2022 -- Fr. Bruce Sleczkowski celebrates the 50th anniversary of his ordination.

  • Sunday, July 16, 2023 -- Fr. Bruce Sleczkowski retires and celebrates his last Mass as Pastor of Holy Family after 51 years of ordained ministry.

  • Sunday, July 30, 2023 --Fr. Mariusz Mularczyk celebrates his first Mass at Holy Family Parish

  • Sunday August 6, 2023 --Fr. Mularczyk is installed as the 19th Pastory of Holy Family by Very Rev. Robert Pleczkowski, the Senior Priest of the Southern Deanery.

Rev. Mariusz Mularczyk, PhD, Pastor

Phone:  412.678.0566 

E-mail:  Pastor@hfpncc. org

Office Hours:  by Appointment

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