Holy Family
National Catholic Church
1921 Eden Park Boulevard, McKeesport, PA 15132
Rectory: 412-678-0566 Auditorium: 412-664-7009
info@hfpncc. org
Celebrating 101 Years
On September 16, 1921 following several meetings of the fledgling congregation, Bishop Francis Hodur (Prime Bishop of the PNCC) put the question to the assembly: “Do you want a (PNCC) parish in McKeesport?” The gathered assembly responded with a resounding “yes” after which motions were made to affiliate with the PNCC and secure a charter to that effect.
A complete parish historical sketch is available in the Diamond Jubilee Journal published in 1996. Some highlights include:
Christmas 1921 – First Mass celebrated in the recently purchased and remodeled church at the corner of Market and Buena Vista Streets (presently the site is now the Kane Regional Hospital)
March 4, 1923 – The Holy Family Cemetery is established with purchase of seven acres of land at the corner of Foster and Naysmith Roads, North Versailles, Pennsylvania; Bishop Leon Grochowski, Western Diocesan Ordinary blessed the land in 1924
1928 – Holy Family Parish is assigned to the new Buffalo-Pittsburgh Diocese
1942 – The last mortgage payment was made and remaining notes of $7,650 in the hands of parishioners were paid or debt forgiven by holders
1942 – A building fund was established with a $500 deposit
1951 – The School of Christian Living is organized by Father Charles Kawalkowski
1954 – The “Dollar Sunday Club” is formed to boost building fund donations
1958 – The Parish purchases a 1.6 acre tract on Eden Park Boulevard, the site of the present church
October 15, 1962 – A building committee is elected to plan for a new church facility
February 26, 1964 – Charles Pepine is named architect for the new parish facility
October 17, 1965 – The congregation approves the plan and assumes a $125,000 building loan
January 4, 1966 – The Justin Brown Construction Company is awarded the building contract
January 23, 1966 – Bishop Thaddeus Zielinski, D.D., blesses and breaks ground for the church complex (near blizzard conditions prevailed)
November 13, 1966 – Bishop Zielinski blesses and sets the cornerstone of the new church
May 4, 1967 (Ascension Day) – The old church at Market and Buena Vista Streets is de-sanctified and the Blessed Sacrament is taken in a motorcade to the new church on Eden Park Boulevard
July 2, 1967 – Bishop Zielinski blesses the new church
June 18, 1968 – Bishop Zielinski blesses new bells and bell tower (the baptism names of the bells are Stephan [520 lbs.], Franciszek named after Prime Bishop Franciszek Hodur [290 lbs.] and Thaddeus names after Bishop Zielinski [198 lbs.])
March 14, 1971 – Parish liquidates $100,000 mortgage and marks the start of the run-up to its 50th Anniversary
April 18, 1971 – Ground is broken for a new rectory wing; the Dowling Construction Company is named general contractor
February 13, 1972 – Father Leonard Koshinski blesses the new rectory
1972 – 25th Anniversary of parish organist and choir director Donald F. Mushalko
1973 – New outdoor bulletin board is dedicated, a donation of the Joseph Pilsudski Association
1975 – Parking area lights are installed and lot is paved
December 1972 – Frederic Chopin Choir kicks off new organ drive
June 6, 1976 – Father Koshinski blesses the new organ and dedicatory recital of the new Allen Digital (computer) Organ is held – recitalist was Richard Clark Nussbaumer
July 1976 – Parish celebrates United States Bicentennial with special observances throughout the year
May 29, 1983 – The Shrine Altar of the Resurrection is dedicated by Father Koshinski at Holy Family Cemetery
September 12, 1983 – A time capsule is buried in the front planter of the church to opened in 2021 – the Parish’s centennial
January 13, 1990 – First Diocesan Deacons ordained at Holy Family Parish (James M. Flynn and Vincent P. Cieslewicz)
May 17, 1991 – Father Flynn ordained to the Priesthood at Holy Family Parish
September 13, 1994 – Father Cieslewicz ordained to the Priesthood at Holy Family Parish
1995 – New handicapped access ramp dedicated – designed by Daniel Taimuty and constructed by George Jugan
November 1996 – Chair-glide installed to choir gallery for handicapped
1996 – Parish begins an Endowment Fund – a Living Tree memorial is placed in the parish narthex
June 1997 – Chair-glide installed to parish auditorium for handicapped
1997 – Parish begins Lector program
2000 – Frank Pociask is appointed director of the Lajkoniki Dance Ensemble
October 2001 – Parish begins the Ministry of Greeting
November 23, 2004 – Lajkoniki Dance Ensemble performs in Rotunda of the Pennsylvania State Capitol building
July 2006 – Planning begins for 85th Anniversary celebration
October 7, 2006 – 20th Anniversary of the Blessing of Animals service in honor of St. Francis of Assisi
September 1, 2007 Fr. Bruce Sleczkowski named Parish administrator
February 1, 2008 Fr. Bruce is appointed Pastor
October 19, 2008, Sacrament of Confirmation is bestowed upon 15 members by Bishop Peplowski; also on the same day the SAMBS hosted the annual Religious Forum attended by women of the diocese. The women presented the Program “Back to Basics”.
The Tri-County Village Singers presented an Advent Concert on December 21, 2008 followed by the annual Parish Wigilia.
March 11 & 18, 2009 a historic joint Bitter Lamentation Services (Gorzkie Zale) were celebrated between St Mary of Czestochowa Roman Catholic Church and Holy Family PNC Church which was recorded by local radios stations.
Sunday, March 15, 2009 a Passion play presented by the Tri-County Youth Ensemble was presented in Holy Family Parish for the McKeesport community.
Sunday, May 3, 2009 Six children of the parish received First Holy Communion
Sunday, August 2, 2009 Prime Bishop Robert Nemkovich visited Holy Family Parish for a Canonical Visit and Mass Celebration. He was presented a check for $25 Thousand Dollars to the National Church Center Campaign by the parish.
Christmas 2021 -- Holy Family celebrates 100 years as a parish in the PNCC
June 6, 2022 -- Fr. Bruce Sleczkowski celebrates the 50th anniversary of his ordination.
Sunday, July 16, 2023 -- Fr. Bruce Sleczkowski retires and celebrates his last Mass as Pastor of Holy Family after 51 years of ordained ministry.
Sunday, July 30, 2023 --Fr. Mariusz Mularczyk celebrates his first Mass at Holy Family Parish
Sunday August 6, 2023 --Fr. Mularczyk is installed as the 19th Pastory of Holy Family by Very Rev. Robert Pleczkowski, the Senior Priest of the Southern Deanery.